How to Manage Your Vacation Rental
After you purchase or convert your property into a vacation rental it's time to decide how you want to manage it. There are two options for managing your rental and each will have multiple variations. Choosing to go the rent by owner route will by far be the most economical and hands on approach. If you are looking to remove yourself from the day to day operation of the property than you will want to consider selecting a professional property management company. Each experience is completely different and other than deciding what property to purchase this will be the most critical decision involved with your rental home.
Rent by Owner
At one time all vacation rentals were by owner. What used to be a small niche rental option is becoming mainstream and you do not have to partner with a property management company to get the exposure needed. We explore the pros and cons for managing your rental on your own. We'll also tell you up front that it will not be easy, but with Owner Rental Properties as a resource you'll be prepared to excel and maximize your income!
Property Management
Many real estate companies have developed a property management division and are stream lining the entire rental business. Offering a hands off approach to owning a vacation rental this option is by far the least stressful but also the most expensive. We analyze exactly what you get for a percentage of the rentals and visit the pros and cons of going with a pro! We do recommend visiting both options because what fits you best may be somewhere in between.